Sunday, December 4, 2016

Give Fire! - First Play of FoB2 ECW Game

The group got together yesterday for two games - first a game of Give Fire!, the mini-supplement for the ECW using the Field of Battle 2nd Edition rules, and then a WSS mega game with over 50 units on the table.   I just discovered that I forgot to take any photos of the WSS game, which is a shame - it was a beautiful game with wonderful figures from the collection of Eric Miller and Greg Cornell.  Loads of Brits, French, Spanish, Danes, and maybe some others I'm forgetting.   I believe that Greg and Eric have photos.  I'll either post a link to a blog with those, or if I get any photos, I'll post a new post with WSS photos.

The ECW game featured two small to moderate sized armies - 8 units of foot, 4 units of horse, and 1 artillery unit each.  

The game played well, with the Royalists winning a close fought battle.  I've made some tweaks to the rules to reflect the period tactics and limitations, and made some more adjustments based on the game play.  It was great to see the ECW armies on the table for the first time!

Some photos:



  1. Beautiful photos, looks like a great game!

    1. Thanks! Several of the photos were not as clear as I'd prefer, but they're "OK" for this type of informal use.

  2. Fabulous figures, stunning pictures!

  3. Thanks - the project has been off and on for years, so it was rewarding to see the figures on the table finally.

  4. Super stuff will Give Fire also cover Thirty Years War armies ?

  5. I'm debating adding TYW or not. It would delay the release, as the TYW adds more tactical combinations, but on the other hand, I do also plan on building a TYW collection. I am faced with a conundrum.....

  6. Looks good. I would definitely vote fopr madding the TYW material, even though it does complicate things a bit. Joe needs to use those Polish Winged Hussars!

    1. I am definitely going to do TYW, but I'm now thinking it will be stand alone. I anticipate a very inexpensive price for these PDF's, so that won't be a real factor for potential buyers. The main reason to forge ahead with TYW is time - it would take me quite a bit longer to iron out the TYW portion, and I'd rather get the ECW portion out.

  7. Nice set up! Never seen FoB WW2 appear on this blog, unfortunate.

  8. We played a ton of FoBWW2 a while back, but other projects just took over. I'll get back to it, though. On the WW2 front, the new game "Nothing Less Than Victory" marches every closer to completion. I think I've had a breakthrough on the indirect fire procedure.

  9. I've got a collection of TYW and ECW, and for me, it works to have two separate books. Both conflicts are desrving of their own stand alone rules. That you're looking at TYW in the future is great news for me!
